Kindergarten Newsletter

Week of February 10, 2025


  1. If you have a different form of transportation for your child than what they usually do, please inform the office, so we get him/her to the correct place.

  2. Your child has a red take home folder that will be used for communication between the parent and teacher.

  3. Please check take home folders nightly.

  4. There will be a daily communication sheet notifying you of how your child's day went. The Communication Sheet is to stay in the folder all week and returned on Monday, when a new one will be given.

  • Girls need to wear shorts under their dresses.

  • Please send an extra set of clothes for your child to put in their cubby in case of an accident.

  • REAL is after school from 3:35- 5:00 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students will travel home from REAL their normal way. If your child will have a different plan for getting home please notify the office before 3:20PM.

  • Please read to or with your child every night for 20 minutes.


Unit 9 Comparing Numbers to 20 & Unit 10 Addition

  • I can compare to determine how many more or less.

  • I can combine sets to 5.

  • I can identify combinations of 5.

  • I can identify combinations of 6.

  • I can identify combinations of 7.


UNIT 4: Then & Now

Genre: Fiction

Foundational Skill: Short & Long /e/ , Word Family -en

Reading Comprehension: Main Idea & Supporting Details

Academic Language: time, change, discover, tradition

High Frequency Words: black, brown, white

Language & Conventions: Complete Sentences

Writing: Write sentences with word family & high frequency words.

Social Studies

Theme: American Holiday

  • Valentine

  • Tradition

  • Vocabulary: appreciate

  • Reading a graph


Theme: Friction Fred

  • Learn about friction

  • Describe what happens with the absence of friction on a slick surface.

  • Use science process skills to compare friction among various surfaces.

  • Recognize the letter "Ff" and the sound of /f/.

  • Identify location of the /f/ sound in a word.

  • Recognize simple cvc words in print.