Kindergarten Newsletter
Week of February 10, 2025
If you have a different form of transportation for your child than what they usually do, please inform the office, so we get him/her to the correct place.
Your child has a red take home folder that will be used for communication between the parent and teacher.
Please check take home folders nightly.
There will be a daily communication sheet notifying you of how your child's day went. The Communication Sheet is to stay in the folder all week and returned on Monday, when a new one will be given.
Girls need to wear shorts under their dresses.
Please send an extra set of clothes for your child to put in their cubby in case of an accident.
REAL is after school from 3:35- 5:00 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students will travel home from REAL their normal way. If your child will have a different plan for getting home please notify the office before 3:20PM.
Please read to or with your child every night for 20 minutes.
Unit 9 Comparing Numbers to 20 & Unit 10 Addition
I can compare to determine how many more or less.
I can combine sets to 5.
I can identify combinations of 5.
I can identify combinations of 6.
I can identify combinations of 7.
UNIT 4: Then & Now
Genre: Fiction
Foundational Skill: Short & Long /e/ , Word Family -en
Reading Comprehension: Main Idea & Supporting Details
Academic Language: time, change, discover, tradition
High Frequency Words: black, brown, white
Language & Conventions: Complete Sentences
Writing: Write sentences with word family & high frequency words.
Social Studies
Theme: American Holiday
Vocabulary: appreciate
Reading a graph
Theme: Friction Fred
Learn about friction
Describe what happens with the absence of friction on a slick surface.
Use science process skills to compare friction among various surfaces.
Recognize the letter "Ff" and the sound of /f/.
Identify location of the /f/ sound in a word.
Recognize simple cvc words in print.